Shelley ReinhartFeb 28, 2022ArticlesDestiny in Intercultural EducationDirected vs Directive Destiny is the fourth of 12 Dimensions of Culture that KnowledgeWorkx uses to map out the intercultural terrain. If...
Shelley ReinhartFeb 28, 2022ArticlesKeeping the World in MindThe Application of Inter-Cultural Intelligence (ICI) in International Schools This article was written by one of KnowledgeWorkx's...
Shelley ReinhartFeb 28, 2022ArticlesTowards Effective and Efficient Development of Our ChildrenThe application of the 12 Dimensions of Culture to international schools Edward T. Hall, one of the founding fathers of intercultural...
Shelley ReinhartFeb 28, 2022ArticlesThird Culture Kids with Inter-Cultural Intelligence as their Superpower -- Bonus EpisodeUnlocking Cultural Agility with Marco Blankenburgh presents a Bonus Episode: Third Culture Kids with Inter-Cultural Intelligence as their...
Shelley ReinhartFeb 28, 2022BlogWandering the World - a Hopeful TaleRuby Maxson tells her story... As a kid growing up, I was enamored with the idea of sailors. I felt that I too could hear the song of the...
Shelley ReinhartFeb 28, 2022BlogWhat Does It Mean to Be a Third Culture Kid?Jonathan Raj tells his story... Being born an expat in Dubai shaped my formative years in ways that are difficult to explain to those who...
Shelley ReinhartFeb 10, 2022ArticlesFrom the Innate to the Intellectual: An Inter-Cultural Intelligence Practitioner’s StoryFrom the first story we heard Chris tell, we knew that he fit with the work that we do. He took KnowledgeWorkx’ ICI framework and wove it...